Call for Abstract

15th World Congress on Pediatric Medicine and Neonatology, will be organized around the theme “Briefing the medical revolution in the field of Pediatrics”

PEDIATRICS 2023 is comprised of 15 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in PEDIATRICS 2023.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Neonatology is a branch of medicine concerned with the care, development, and diseases of new-born infants. Sometimes babies are born before their bodies are ready to leave the womb. Important organs such as the heart, lungs, stomach, and skin may not be mature enough to function without special help. Although paediatrician can take care of most medical issues of babies, a Neonatologist is trained particularly to deal with the most complicated and high-risk conditions.

 Trauma is the most familiar cause of invalidation and despair in the pediatric population. Child Special knowledge, precise management, and scrupulous attention to details are required for caring the injured child. All clinicians who are in for the care of a pediatric trauma patient, including pediatrician’s, emergency room clinicians, pediatric emergency clinic and trauma surgeons, must be familiar with every tenet of prevailing trauma care. Unique needs of injured children like Special examination and affection must also be recognized. The treatment of the patients in a state of necessity and handle urgent situations of injury or disease uses both operative and non-operative administration.